I have a crayon problem.

I still color in coloring books, love the smell of new crayons, and hate stubby crayons. The result is that every time I see boxes of crayons in a store, I have to buy one. Every. Single. Time. I have boxes of unopened crayons at home.

Is there a name for my problem? O_o

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If I think of the name, I will tell you. But... can I be in your club? I have all the symptoms! And I play nice! We can help each other!
Tarie Sabido said…
Yes, we must stick together!!
Anonymous said…
something to do with your childhood...you were crazed to have one or you had a very deep, pleasant and emotionally binding experience with crayon...
or probably, you got a suffering, and having/using crayon was such an escape from your suffering...
in conclusion, it all lies in your unconsciousness.
btw, it's ok as long as you have money to buy it...:))