O-nii-chan with family friend Julie. In the background you can see JP and Julie's sister Joan. On Mothers' Day Julie hung out with us (me, O-nii-chan, JP, Brian, Mom). We had lunch out. Went window shopping. Got our cereal snack fix in Cerealicious. Yes, we love our Cerealicious. =9
Here's another picture of JP. It was taken in the little room (JP and Brian's bedroom) we all cram into to hang out together. Just last night we watched Epic Movie on JP's laptop computer. It's a spoof of several movies (The Da Vinci Code, X-Men, etc.) from the same creators of the Scary Movie franchise. It's one of those stupid movies that make you laugh but afterwards you think, "Ok, I just wasted two hours of my life. I should have done something else." But hey, at least I was watching a movie with my brothers and a couple of friends. =)
JP and Brian have second dan black belts in taekwondo. I have a red belt, and my older brothers and my mom also trained in taekwondo. This is a picture of JP goofing off, shouting, and in "fighting stance."
O-nii-chan in a library. All I have to say about this picture is: Hahaha. =D
Ari (Baking and Books)